Article Ideas – Key Concepts
One of the greatest attributes of web advertising is its ability to be tracked. Without tracking its difficult to tell how many visitors are responding to your newsletter advertisements unless they order from you and tell you where they saw you. Wouldn’t you like to know how many people clicked on your offer even if…
How can you dramatically improve the performance of your email copy? The following tips have been used for many years in print and are especially true when trying to get the attention of a busy online audience. Keep in mind that some people get upwards of 50 emails each day! It’s important to take the…
As an email marketer you’ll find you can spend considerable sums of money on list rentals. You might be thinking to yourself, “I wish there was a less-expensive way to market via email.” There is. With few exceptions, all the major companies I’ve worked with have started their email efforts by renting lists and over…
Addressing your email message is key. In a study by DoubleClick, 60 percent of those interviewed said the “from” line is the most compelling reason to open an email. It’s true. When an email message is received, one of the first things people look for in determining if it’s worth their attention is where or…
The business landscape is littered with failed companies that had strong products and services but never figured out how to market them. Poor marketing or lack of marketing is quoted by many as the single biggest reason why businesses fail. Your first objective as a business is to determine ways that you can market your…